Sony PS4 user guide

There are several reasons why you might want to read the manual for your Sony PS4 game console. Here are a few:

  1. To learn about the features and functions of your PS4: The manual includes information about the different buttons and ports on the console, as well as details about the various settings and options available.
  2. To troubleshoot problems: If you’re experiencing an issue with your PS4, the manual may include information or instructions that can help you resolve the problem.
  3. To get the most out of your console: Reading the manual can help you learn about all of the features and capabilities of your PS4, which can help you get the most out of your console.

User Guide for the Sony PS4

Manual Details
FormatOnline guide
Page count
File size

Please be sure to read and save the entire guide before setting up or using your Sony PS4. Misuse may damage the unit or cause harm or serious injury. Download the manual and save it for future reference.

PlayStation 4 (PS4) is an advanced video game console from Sony Computer Entertainment. Announced as the successor to PlayStation 3, it launched on November 15, 2013, and competes with Nintendo’s Wii U and Microsoft’s Xbox One, as part of the eighth generation of video game consoles.

If you want to play a lot of titles that are only available on PS4 and you don’t have another game console, then the PS4 is still a decent buy. The PS4 Pro is more future-proofed, but since its price is close to a PS5, we’d recommend sticking to a PS4 Slim if you do buy a PS4.